Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting  
Poplar Ridge, NY

What We Do



Meeting for Worship

Meeting for Worship

Sundays at 10am

  • First, Second and Third Sundays are programmed meetings (A pastor or speaker leads a service that may include spoken prayers, hymn singing and a sermon.)
  • Fourth Sunday of the month is an unprogrammed meeting (Friends sit in expectant waiting for the promptings of spirit. Vocal ministry may be offered by anyone as led. Messages are generally brief and Friends are encouraged to leave ample space between messages.)
  • Fifth Sunday of the month has a variety of formats including Multigenerational worship or song and silence.

Sunday School and nursery care are provided during Meeting for Worship.

Worship with Friends

"For when I came into the silent assemblies of God's people, I felt a secret power among them which touched my heart; and as I gave way unto it I found the evil weakening in me and the good raised up." - Robert Barclay

The Meeting for Worship helps us go forth into the world to live useful and fulfilling lives. We recognize that we do not always succeed, but the power to continue seeking will remain. We welcome all who come to join us in our search.

Poplar Ridge Friends invite you to their Meeting for Worship and welcome your participation in prayer, song and meditation.

What to Expect

The present day Poplar Ridge Friends Meeting grew out of a composite of the practices of the early groups who settled in the area. We now blend the elements of a pastoral meeting with those of an unprogrammed meeting.

Most of our meetings are led by our pastor and include music, scripture and prayer. Children leave for Sunday School before the pastor's message.

Following the pastor's message there is an extended quiet period. During this silent time one can pray, seek God's guidance and meditate. If a worshipper chooses, he or she may stand and share a spiritual leading or deep conviction for the nurture of the group. These are usually brief.

At the rise of meeting announcements are shared. New visitors are invited to introduce themselves.

The last Sunday of each month is entirely unprogrammed. For this meeting Friends gather in silent worship without formal leadership. It is an opportunity to experience the shared power of prayer and reaffirm the living presence of God among us. The close of meeting is signified by the shaking of hands.