Quaker Bible Index
A comprehensive Scripture index to early Quaker writings
compiled by Esther Greenleaf Mürer, Central Philadelphia Monthly Meeting

The Quaker Bible Index aims to provide a tool by which scholars, religious educators and anyone wishing to learn more about Quakerism's biblical roots can identify Bible texts of importance to Quaker thought and locate representative uses of them in the works of Fox, Barclay, Penn, Woolman and others.

FAQs about the index in its present form:
What is the Quaker Bible Index?
How is it published?
How can I get it and what does it cost?
What is the scope, and how is it arranged?
What works are included?
How exhaustive is it?
What about subject indexes?
Is there any material discussing early Friends' use of Scripture?
Will there be an expanded edition?

Supplements to QBI on this site:

Wilt Thou Go on My Errand?: Journals of three 18th-Century Quaker Women Ministers: Susanna Morris, 1682-1755; Elizabeth Hudson, 1722-1783; Ann Moore, 1710-1783. Edited by Margaret Hope Bacon. Wallingford PA, Pendle Hill Pubs,©1994.
Scripture index  over four times the length of the one in the book
List of biblical references and allusions by page and line

New edition of QBI in the making: An invitation and a plea
I would very much like to hear from users of the current version of QBI about what parts of it you find most useful, how you use it, what problems you have, and how it could be improved.

This site will make it easier to correct errors and add references I missed, so please send me corrections and additions!

I would also be interested in hearing about projects in which you have used the QBI. If you would like to tell about them here--or perhaps even post them--please email me!

This site maintained by Esther Greenleaf Mürer
Last updated June 6, 1998

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