Coalition to Stop the War Against Yugoslavia (C-SWAY)        
web: Contact: Len Bush 231-4270 Email: [email protected]

For immediate release, Tuesday, May 11, 1999

Protest on May 15 to demand end to the war

A coalition of labour, student, religious and disarmament groups is asking all concerned citizens to join a peace march to demand an end to Canada’s participation in the war against Yugoslavia. After assembling at Confederation Park at Elgin St. and Laurier at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 15, the group will march to the to the Department of National Defence (i.e. war) and the Department of Foreign Affairs.

"For Canada to use bombs as an instrument of foreign policy is barbaric," said Len Bush, a vice-president of the Ottawa-Carleton CUPE District Council and one of the founders of C-SWAY.

The march is the first of a month-long series of events organized by the Coalition to Stop the War Against Yugoslavia (C-SWAY), formed last month in opposition to NATO’s bombing of Yugoslavia.

"Why do we kill people to show killing people is wrong?"said Rev.Sharon Moon of Ottawa’s First United Church, who will be speaking at the rally.

The coalition is one of a growing number of coalitions of labour, church and university groups opposing the war, which have sprung up from Berlin to Vancouver over the recent weeks.

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