[Kosova / Kosovo] Canadian Pugwash Statement [Peaceweb Home Page]

Canadian Pugwash Group calls for halt to bombing

This statement by the Canadian Pugwash Group was forwarded to Peaceweb by British Friend Bob Jiggins from the University of Bradford.

The bombing of Yugoslavia must cease immediately and meaningful negotiations (not externally dictated terms) begun, preferably under UN auspices. Only thus can respect for international law be re- established, a peace process begun, including provisions for the refugees to return home safely.

The bombing, conducted in the name of humanitarian concerns, has inflicted many casualties, led to enormous dislocation and wrought great damage. Both Serbia's angry response and the bombing itself contribute to this horrendous development. Where does the bombing lead? No clear strategy is in sight.

The bombing has intensified tensions dangerously and caused divisions internationally. A US poll shows that country's people closely divided. Stresses within NATO are evident and the hoped-for friendly relations between NATO and Russia mocked. Russia (and NATO's Greece) have long had close ties with Serbia. Their assistance --not their alienation--could provide a way out.

The bombing, under US command and NATO (not UN) auspices, shows contempt for and does great damage to the UN. It violates international law.

NATO has claimed from its inception to be a defencive alliance.

This bombing of a sovereign state belies that claim.

The Canadian government, at the very moment it attained an eagerly sought seat on the UN Security Council, supported --and is now participating in--NATO's degradation of the UN Security Council by these bombings.

The Canadian government should withdraw its forces from the NATO attack on Yugoslavia, demand that NATO cease its assault, and work to have the authority of the UN Security Council made effective in this situation.

The bombing must stop now. The hour is late, the dangers great. It is the moment for courage. I don't know who wrote it but the

Forwarded by:
Bob Jiggins
Research Unit in South East European Studies
University of Bradford
West Yorkshire
who received a copy from Senator Douglas Roche, Chairman of Canadian Pugwash

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