The Making of a Quaker Art Gallery - 3

To make a long story short, we did it.

By First Day morning, the walls were covered and made presentable, the junk was moved out and the floor cleaned, the art works went up, and -- miracle of miracles -- the air conditioning came on just a few hours before our opening! We had a Quaker Art Gallery!

We named the space the Lemonade Art Gallery -- they gave us lemons, and we made it something sweet!

And what a fine Gallery it was, if we do (humbly) say so ourselves. Here are some glimpses of what the Gallery looked like when it was done, along with some of the artworks it displayed. (We wish the lighting had been better; but that we couldn't fix.)

Mary Beth Webster's
wall hanging

Mary Beth Webster's wall hanging highlights the north wall.


Sculpture and paintings
by Dorothy Ackerman

Sculpture and paintings by Dorothy Ackerman were featured in this corner.

Drawings by Asa Watkins

Drawings by Friend Asa Watkins, part of a series from his World War II CO work in a mental hospital, are set off by the black butcher paper on the east wall.

Light and

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