Peace Teams News, PO Box 10372, San Antonio TX 78210-0372, Tel: 877 814 6972







SPRING, 2001: Volume 6, Issue 1

For AGLI, A Time of Expectation by David Zarembka

For the African Great Lakes Initiative, this is a time of pause and expectation. All wheels have been set in motion, sufficient funds have been raised for the present endeavors, and two Peace Teams are poised to begin their challenging, but exciting work.

The Peace Team for the Burundi Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Center is in South Africa, completing a three-month training organized by the Quaker Peace Center in Capetown. The four Team Members, Carolyn Keys, Adrien Niyongabo, Charles Berahino, and Brad Allen, report that the first few weeks have gone very well. Their ambitious training program includes work in trauma healing, restorative justice, mediation, empowerment, team diversity, healing of memories, Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) training, visits to various institutions, and meetings with Burundians in South Africa and the Center for Conflict Resolution in Capetown which is the think-tank behind Nelson Mandela’s peacemaking efforts in Burundi. They will return to Burundi around April 1. They have already been asked to do some trauma healing training for one day each of four one-week-long seminars organized by the Catholics. Search for Common Ground in Burundi is asking them to participate in five two-week camps for ex-child soldiers from 13 to 18.

David Niyonzima, the Legal Representative (General Secretary or Superintendent) of Burundi Yearly Meeting and the initiator of the Burundi Trauma Healing and Reconciliation Center, has received this year’s John Woolman Peacemaking Award given by the George Fox University’s Center for Peace Learning. He was selected for the award because of “his courageous work as a disciple of Christ, promoting peace and reconciliation in the Great Lakes region of Africa,” said Ron Mock, director of the Center for Peace Learning. David is currently studying at George Fox University for a Master’s degree in counseling, but will return to Burundi in May when he completes his studies.

The AVP-Rwanda Team will leave in late February. The Team consists of Liz Oldham (St. Louis), Ray Boucher (Hartford), Joanna Perry (St. Paul), and Peter Yeomans (Philadelphia) coming from the United States and George Walumoli, Joseph Semate, Vincent Oluka, and Juliet Nanomo, all from the AVP program in Uganda. They will facilitate 10 to 11 workshops over a five-week period, 7 basic, 2 advanced/second level, and 1 or 2 training-for-facilitator workshops. Two people each from Burundi and the eastern Congo will also attend some of these workshops so that in the future AVP programs can be initiated in those countries also. Rwanda Yearly Meeting of Friends, together with the Lutheran Church in Rwanda and other Protestant denominations, are doing the critical work of making all the arrangements for the workshops, including inviting enough, but not too many, participants for each workshop. The workshops will be held in various parts of Rwanda.

The plans have been set, the pieces are mostly all in place, and now we all wait patiently for the action to begin. Please stay tuned to the next issue of Peace Teams News where we will bring you the results. In the meantime pray for these twelve courageous people and their peacemaking efforts.

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