Relative Danger of Energy Sources

Nuclear Power

7. Assuming current technology and current plans to monitor over 200 years,how many are expected eventually to die from US nuclear waste that will be generated this decade?
< 100          100 – 1,000           1,000 – 10,000        10,000 - 100,000       > 100,000

During the first 10,000 years
, there would be essentially no exposure to radioactivity. After 10,000 years, as protection decays and radioactivity begins to migrate, exposure increases, so that maximum annual exposure could be up to 260 mrem/year, 300,000 years from now, for a person living near Yucca Mountain. Average annual American exposure to radioactivity (mostly naturally occurring) is 300 mrem/y (much higher in some areas).*

Chemical contamination of groundwater from natural and human sources is extensive. In CA, there is already considerably more contamination from nitrate, perchlorate, and arsenic, compared to potential nuclear contamination in NV. In focusing on radioactive contamination of groundwater, we may be ignoring much more significant problems.

Chemical contamination of ground water from natural and human sources is extensive. In CA, there is already considerably more contamination from nitrate, perchlorate, and arsenic, compared to potential contamination in NV.
Graphic from Per Peterson Current and Future Activities for Nuclear Energy in the United States

*Real world evidence from a natural reactor in Oklo, Gabon, indicate low migration rates.

For comparison: Just looking at radiation from soil and bedrock, ignoring cosmic rays and other sources of exposure, “(s)cientists have determined the NORM terrestrial doses in many parts of the world. These doses vary depending upon the geology of the area. Regions with high amounts of uranium and thorium in the soil and bedrock also have higher radium and radon concentrations. The US average is 30 mrem. The highest US terrestrial dose is 88 mrem. The highest measured terrestrial dose, 26,000 mrem/yr, occurs in Ramsar, Iran. Other high annual terrestrial doses occur in areas of Brazil and India (3,500 mrem), China (1,000 mrem), Norway (1,050 mrem), and Italy (438 mrem). The areas in Iran, India, and Brazil are associated with high concentrations of uranium and thorium in the soil. Epidemiological studies of the people in these areas have been made to determine, what, if any, affect these high radiation dose levels have on health. To date, no radiation related health effects have been found.” [UNSCEAR 1993; NCRP Report #94]

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