Things We Do

Moved to Action

Quakerism is an experiential religion and Friends strive to live their lives as testimonies to their ideals and values. We aim to show through our lives, individually and as a group, examples of living simply, peacefully, with integrity, as a community, and embracing equality among all people. In doing so, Quakers are moved to work toward social justice and alleviation of suffering. For example, Quakers were among the first to work toward ending slavery and providing education for men and women of any race. Avoiding war and the occasion for war is another action Quakers take part in to help prevent and alleviate suffering. Peacemaking efforts by Quakers led to one of their organizations, the American Friends Service Committee, receiving the 1947 Nobel Peace Prize for their humanitarian work during World War II. The American Friends Service Committee continues this work today, as do local Meetings (churches). Another Quaker organization, The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL), lobbies congress on matters of peace and justice. These are just two examples of Quaker-based organizations whose individuals are following their ideals and values in order to make the world a better place. Another way Quakers have done this is through Conscientious Objection, which is an expression of the Peace Testimony.

Here in Athens, members of the Athens Friends Meeting actively work on issues of peace, justice, sustainability, and human rights. We also believe that we need to WAGE PEACE, in other words, to work for equality and justice in our community and all over the world so that people will not resort to fighting in order to get what they need. Some of this work is done by the Meeting as a whole (such as the minute of support we wrote for gender equality in 2009), and some is done by individuals, either in their jobs or as volunteers. Groups we are currently a part of or are working with include: AIDS Athens, Casa de Amistad, Center for Development in Central America, Ecological Society of America, Family Connection, Hospice, Learning Ally, Nancy Travis Childcare Project, OPEN-Athens, Whatever It Takes, The Wildlife Society, and Women in Black.

Our efforts include working to:

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Our Quaker Community


After worship on Sundays we have engaging discussions

Spiritual Retreat

About once a year we have a group retreat to share food and spirit as a community;
here are some pictures from our retreat at the Atlanta Meeting's cabin in North Georgia (Ferguson Cabin).

engaged in worship

campfire discussion

lunch at the cabin

a quick dip at the swimming hole

What better way to enjoy the company of others than with food!

eating together at our Meeting House

pre-meal conversation

an engaging conversation

Easter Service

Who doesn't enjoy a good Easter egg hunt?

I found one!

it takes a village to find an egg
Folk Festival

We helped a local artist show off his work

artist Leonard Jones preparing to paint

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-a snapshot of our role in the world community

Below, individuals from the Athens Friends Meeting have provided a brief statement about themselves; we hope this gives you an idea about how we strive to our lives as testimonies of our ideals and values.

I am Jean, a retired Child Development Psychologist. I work with other board members of the Nancy Travis Childcare Project to ensure that young children who are homeless or otherwise in need have access to quality child care which provides the foundation for later success in school.
    All children deserve a chance to succeed -- it is a human right!
         - Jean

I study plants and animals, how they interact with one another, and with the world around them. Through teaching, I share my understanding of our interconnectedness as individuals and as a global community.
         - Jason

I did not grow up in a traditional religion but think I have always been deeply religious, that is, I ask "Big Questions" about ordinary things. I have been active in the Religious Society of Friends for over 40 years and see my "ministry" as helping Friends and others lay down the burdens of traditional religion, supernaturalism and superstition. Wisdom is seeking, not knowing.

I am a leadership/avocational coach and a doctoral student of human and organization systems and development in a program that teaches appreciative, progressive, systems-oriented routes to human self-realization and organization development -- I study Wisdom. I came to Quakerism through one of the PhD program's myriad readings, from Parker Palmer, and realize that I have always resonated with Quakerism's worldview: that "the light (of Beauty/Wisdom/Life/Joy) is in everyone (-thing), already; and that witnessing that light in the Other is the foundational motivation of all that is good in what we each do and in all that is good in the world. "There is the Light of Good in everyone and all things."
         - Joan

I attend Quaker meeting because I hope to see more peace and justice in the world. Sharing silence as well as discussion with a group of thoughtful, intelligent people is one way I try to live out my beliefs. After meeting I always feel more refreshed and peaceful myself as I ride my bike back down the greenway.
         - Ross

Since attending Quaker Meeting in 1987, my faith has been wonderfully stretched by Friends and Quaker writings and laughter. I appreciate peace and justice and human rights being greatly supported by the Quaker faith. My career has presently led me to St. Mary's family birth center as an RN in Athens, GA.
         - Betsey